Did You Experience Negative Side Effects Due to the JABBBB? Reach Out!


*We are looking to interview people and healthcare workers negatively affected by the Jabbbb
*The mini-documentary news segment will give a full perspective of potential risks
*Will tell a side of the story the mainstream media has has not covered in depth

Kristan T. Harris | The Rundown Live

Milwaukee, Wis. (TRL) –Have you or a loved one had negative side effects (financial, emotional and physical) from your recent covid-19 vaccination?

Have you become bed ridden, missed work, received swelling, had a miscarriage or received permanent/temporary side effects since receiving your Covid-19 vaccination? Was there an unexpectedly death within 28 days of vaccination of a loved one? Did the loved one receive the vaccine and still die from covid?

Your story is important and can help others make a fully informed decision on if this “vaccine” is the right choice for them. The VAERS report shows correlation of an astounding 10,000+ deaths within 28 days of vaccination.

Are you a healthcare specialist, RN, or Doctor who has witnessed adverse side effects? We want to hear from you to. Thousands of healthcare workers across the nation and in Wisconsin are protesting Covid-19 vaccine mandates, we want to know why.

The Rundown Live is an INDEPENDENT news agency that has been nationally sourced and specializes in stories the mainstream often does not cover and we want to hear from you.

What we are doing? We are putting together an impactful news story/mini-documentary that interviews people impacted negatively by the vaccine. We would like to interview you in person, over zoom/skype and or over the phone.

We do ask that you have proof of vaccination. Any photos of side effects and videos are a plus!

Ways to contact us:

Email: Showtips@therundownlive.com or our cantact Us page

Leave a voice mail with your name, side effects, long term effect and a phone number to contact you at:
Voice Mail: 1-304-802-HURT that’s 1-304-802-4878

Facebook: The Rundown Live
Twitter: KristanTHarris

And remember, correlation is not causation unless you die with Covid, then correlation is almost always causation.

Follow @RundownLive

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