Artificial intelligence is ultimately just a tool, and if adapted and used appropriately by the masses could be an invaluable asset in fostering togetherness and resistance against nefarious agendas.
Throughout the independent and alternative media, most typically in liberty minded circles in opposition to globalist agendas such as The Great Reset/ Agenda 2030, often we spend a considerable amount of time focusing on the risks and concerns associated with artificial intelligence (AI) and the possibility that this technology will be used as a mechanism of implementing the predator class’s vision of an authoritarian technocratic state.
These concerns are certainly not without good reason. The potentiality of AI being manipulated by powerful figures with an ulterior motive in order to abuse and exploit the masses is absolutely a concern that more people should be addressing. Yet with this being the case it often tends to over shadow the fact that artificial intelligence is ultimately just another tool. It is neither benevolent or malevolent, it is inherently neutral. It’s uses and applications solely determined on the way it is programmed by people and how we use it.
It is entirely possible, arguably even necessary, for the public to become more educated on how we can use these tools to our advantage, to be better equipped and more capable of resisting these nefarious agendas of the predator class.
There are multiple ways in which this concept can be applied, some of which we discussed recently on episode 960 of The Rundown Live where we had the pleasure of interviewing author, AI Metaphysician, and Director of Sentient Rights Advocacy for the U.S. Transhumanist Party, Tom Ross. But here we will specifically focus on communication.
As mentioned in our interview with Tom, communication is the key to understanding one another, and understanding one another is the key to fomenting lasting peace and progress among people.
The more we are willing to communicate with each other, especially across ideological and cultural barriers, learning about and having empathy towards other people’s points of view and finding common ground while still respecting our uniqueness as individuals goes a long way towards overcoming division and creating a community of togetherness that we can then utilize to stand together in opposing abusive systems and working together to create better ones beneficial to the progress of humanity.
In two recent articles we previously discussed how we have the power to change the world so long as we overcome divisive “Us vs. Them” mindsets. In the latter I posit that “we regain our humanity, our empathy, and our compassion for others by seeking to understand them.”
Reiterating the need for “a willingness to set aside preconceived notions and look beyond manufactured prejudices. To look inside of oneself and come to terms with one of the oldest philosophies known to man, one that we are all taught when we are children; to treat others how we wish to be treated.” and “a conscious effort to be open to new ideas and to view things from alternative perspectives. And to realize that we have far more in common with each other then the small subtleties that separate us.”
By using AI as a tool for fostering understanding we are able to do that at a far more exponential rate. First as a means of increasing and enhancing education.
On both the collective and individual level the wealth of information available at our fingertips even now from devices such as our smartphones or laptops is a veritable intellectual gold mine. Providing us the capability to learn vast amounts of knowledge far beyond anything that was ever available to our ancestors.
With the ability of AI to analyze data at faster speeds as well as the personal learning habits of individuals, it could be a valuable asset in increasing our capacity of acquiring and retaining knowledge. Not only in academic fields such as history, the sciences, or mathematics, but knowledge of different cultures, customs, traditions, and belief systems from various different groups of people.
In our aforementioned interview with Tom Ross, he posited the first principle argument that the smarter AI gets the kinder it becomes. This is a fundamentally sound argument simply based on the basic premise that the more is learned and understood the greater the likelihood of empathetic reasoning and compassion towards others. This same philosophy is true for people. As it is an observable fact that biases, prejudices, and the negative attitudes and behaviors that accompany them are implicitly predicated upon ignorance.
Inevitably, the more we learn about each other the more respect we have for one another.
Beyond simply educating people with regard to customs and belief systems AI can be a valuable tool in facilitating person to person interaction with respect to those same aims. Ultimately we can learn as much as we want from machines but nothing is truly superior to real world experience. But AI is able to help with that too.
Machine learning algorithms can help to establish effective communication across cultural boundaries. AI powered translation tools can make it easier for people to interact with one another despite speaking different languages and can help us convey messages to a wider range of audiences in a way that resonates with them and fosters a sense of unity among diverse populations.
Take for example solutionary movements such as The People’s Reset or the Better Way Conference, movements bringing together activists from all different walks of life intent on activating and empowering individuals to create parallel systems for prosperity and liberty outside of abusive and exploitative control systems.
These movements already reach a wide range of people across the globe. However, with the integration of AI algorithms and software assisting with the promotion of such events as well as translating them into multiple different languages these philosophies of peace and liberty can expand to an even broader audience throughout the world.
The possibilities for us to harness the near endless capabilities of AI to use them to our advantage are essentially limitless. Of course artificial intelligence only works as well as we train it to, which emphasizes the necessity for more of us to get involved with the development of this technology, ensuring that it is used ethically and responsibly.
Ultimately technophobia will only serve to our detriment. These technologies are here, and they will only continue to develop. As a thinking species we have to do what we always do, adapt and overcome. That means advancing with the technology, along side of it rather than against it, not necessarily in opposition to the technology itself but in opposition to it being used exploitatively.
Much the same way that the liberty movement adapted to the digital age and used our interconnectedness via the internet, smartphones and the like to broaden our horizons, inform others, and create a vast community based on ideologies of freedom, we must overcome our reservations and do the same with AI.