On January 29th it was reported that Elon Musk’s biotech startup Neuralink had been successful in implanting the first brain...
• If left unchecked the rise of AI cannot only have detrimental effects for creators, but threatens to fundamentally alter...
Artificial intelligence is ultimately just a tool, and if adapted and used appropriately by the masses could be an invaluable...
The latest report from the World Economic Forum outlines a vision of the blending of the physical world with the...
It’s no secret that in 2024 the American police state already acts with wanton disregard for most civil liberties. From...
Scientists funded by the World Economic Forum in Sweden have unveiled a new controversial project which uses living lab grown human brains as batteries in what resembles a doctor-Frankenstein-like experiment.
Have you ever been watching a movie and been completely engrossed by the plot, infatuated with the characters and totally...
The convergence of artificial intelligence and the workforce presents unique economic challenges that need to be addressed. Many of us...
Stavroula Pabst explores the race to apply emerging neurotechnologies, such as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), in times of both war and...
Congress Is About To Pass A Massive Expansion To Illegal Surveillance And No One Is Talking About It
Buried deep within the section 702 FISA reauthorization bill is the largest expansion of illegal domestic surveillance since the Patriot...
The Gates Foundation continues to bankroll various initiatives around the world aimed at introducing digital ID and payments by the end of this decade.
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