Greece’s “Free Again” movement is pushing back against V@x mandates. More than 5,000 anti-vaccine protesters, some of them waving Greek...
Media is now claiming “NEW” information that indicates that Covid came from the Wuhan Lab. But for those of...
A new report from 60 Minutes includes an interview with a scientist from the pentagon who says that there is...
Media and Politicians have spent the last seven months telling us that BLM riots which have included private and public...
BREAKING: Texas Files Lawsuit Asks SCOTUS To Block Four States From Participating in Electoral College based on the fact that...
Mask mandates are back. I told you over a year ago that this would happen. Even those who are...
Ben Swann discusses the protests across Europe and why Italy and France’s “Green Pass” is an impossible standard for everyday...
10,000 protestors take to the streets in the UK demanding an end to lockdowns, the end to mandatory mask wearing...
Children are 10 times more likely to die of suicide than coronavirus. New research on kids shows that self-harm and...
Gates Says No Normal Until 2022, U.S. Billionaires Increase Wealth by $1 Trillion Since Lockdowns Began Just Nine Months Ago....
Georgia Recount is a Disaster, Thousands of Ballots Found, Thousands More “Pristine” Check out our sponsor for this episode Kim...